
Daniel Boone and the Battle of Boonesborough

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"The book was so good!" - Noah fifth grade

"I'm re-reading your first Heroical Storical. It's such an amazing fast paced story. Keep on writing your wonderful Heroical Storicals!" - Christina sixth grade
"I love reading. One of my favorite stories is Heroical Storicals. I absolutely love that book. I always read at least a chapter each night." - Wendy fourth grade
"I really liked your book. It was so funny. It made me laugh." - Carolyn fourth grade
“Your presentation was incredible. If I were a cartoon, I would have burst out in tears! Come again!” - Lahna third grade
"I loved Daniel Boone and the Battle of Boonesborough. It was one of the best books I've ever read! It's quite a long book but because it was so good, I read it in two days! I am your book lover - Danielle fifth grade
"Annie your first Heroical Storical was so good! On a scale of 1-10, I would give it a 100! Keep up the perfect work! - Jessica fourth grade student
"Heroical Storicals is a masterpiece, my child loved it very much, and he read the whole book in one night. Keep writing more." - Ryuiop Dooschiners Parent
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Daniel Boone and the Battle of Boonesborough